nasa satellite
nasa satellite


Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA MSFC

Interactivelyzoomandanimateweathersatelliteimagesfromavarietyofgeostationarysatellites.Featuresofthissiteinclude:sectoring,animationof ...GOES-East11.20µmFullDisk·Band2(0.64µm)RedVisible·GOES-East

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NASA Earth Observatory

NASA satellites document how our world—forests, oceans, human landscapes, even the Sun—changes over months, seasons, and years. Published Apr 29, 2009. How to Interpret a Satellite Image · Global Maps · Image of the Day · Images


NASA's first dedicated Earth observation satellite, Landsat, was launched in 1972. This led to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ...

Eyes on the Earth

Fly along with NASA's Earth science missions in real-time, monitor Earth's vital signs like Carbon Dioxide, Ozone and Sea Level, and see satellite imagery ...

Satellite Imagery - NASA | LANCE

NASA Worldview is a fully featured, interactive interface for browsing full-resolution imagery and downloading the underlying data via Earthdata Search. https ...

NASA Science Missions

NASA's Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere, or PUNCH mission, is a constellation of four small satellites in low Earth orbit that will make global, ...

Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA MSFC

Interactively zoom and animate weather satellite images from a variety of geostationary satellites. Features of this site include: sectoring, animation of ... GOES-East 11.20 µm Full Disk · Band 2 (0.64 µm) Red Visible · GOES-East

NASA Worldview

Interactive interface for browsing full-resolution, global, daily satellite images. Supports time-critical application areas such as wildfire management, ...

What is a satellite?

A satellite is a body that orbits around another body in space. There are two different types of satellites – natural and man-made.


LIVE: We discuss our upcoming PUNCH (Polarimetry to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere) mission, which will launch four small satellites into low Earth orbit ...


NASAsatellitesdocumenthowourworld—forests,oceans,humanlandscapes,eventheSun—changesovermonths,seasons,andyears.PublishedApr29,2009.HowtoInterpretaSatelliteImage·GlobalMaps·ImageoftheDay·Images,NASA'sfirstdedicatedEarthobservationsatellite,Landsat,waslaunchedin1972.ThisledtoNASAandtheNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration ...,FlyalongwithNASA'sEarthsciencemissionsinreal-time,monitorEarth's...